ramenenjoyer in  
Software Engineer  

What keeps you going?

When I was in school, I was super pumped about CS, making real money, and finally feeling like I took the training wheels off life by graduating.

Now that I've been working for 3 years, the novelty has worn off and I feel burnt out.

I'm working in FAANG and I don't have the best work/life balance. I basically get up, go straight to work, and when I'm off I really only have time to make dinner, go to the gym, and maybe 1 more hour of free time before bed.

I don't want to sound like I'm whining—I know I'm more privileged than 99% of the world for living like this—but even so, I feel like I've lost my sense of direction.

How do you all cope? Do any of you guys feel the same?

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TenuredGeekSoftware Engineer  
I've been in the industry for 10+ years now and I completely get it. To validate your struggle a bit, I think a fair amount of what you're feeling can be chalked up to how the modern world has abstracted a lot of "suffering" that used to be part and parcel of the human experience. We no longer have to do much physical labor to put food on the table, we don't have to build our own shelters, and we don't have to worry about our immediate physical safety much either. That's not to say that human advancement and technological innovation is bad, in fact it's one of our greatest strengths! The thing is, we now live in a world where our struggling and work—that being sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day—is divorced from the reward. By not having that clear connection between struggle and reward, we're left feeling like we're suffering for no reason and we aren't able to find a "purpose" behind it all. So, to answer your question, I try my best to actively remind myself what the fruits of my labor are. Because it's not as 1 to 1 as farming/hunting and putting dinner on the table, I try to remind myself that sitting at a desk and "suffering" for the day is how I'm able to spend the rest of my day in enjoyment.
Chie7tainWeb Development (Front-End)  




