mrdudu in  
Management Consultant  

Career switch from Retail Banking

Hi Y'all,

Trust everyone had a merry Christmas!

I wanted to solicit advice for my wife. She is looking to change industries from retail banking and is open to ideas. What she is looking for is something that is not monotonous and aligns with her values (more below). Is someone kind enough to share their wisdom?

She has a Masters in Global Management and has been working in Retail Banking since 2019 in various capacities. Her current position is that of a Financial Advisor where she is responsible for assisting customers with their banking and financial needs - checking/savings accounts, credit cards, borrowing (mortgage, LOC, etc.) and investments (retirement, Mutual Funds, etc.).

What's monotonous - she has to constantly sell reading from a script, and cater to mundane requests such as variances in interest rates, all the while dealing with rude individuals 80% of the time. Moreover, her activities do not align with her KPIs/MBOs.

Given the predatory nature of banking industry to sell products/services that a customer does not necessarily need, it makes her uncomfortable and eventually impacts her overall performance.

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Spacenerd1969Technical Project Manager  
I highly recommend she check out it is an awesome organization that helps women, minorities, and veterans transition careers. They can help her navigate every aspect of the transition including expanding her horizons to find a good a good fit within the tech industry.
mrduduManagement Consultant  
Thank you! I will pass on the recommendation.




