jdblackiii in  
Software Engineer  

AWS moved forward with internship application- will hiring freeze affect me?

So I recieved an email from AWS saying they were moving forward with my Network Development Internship application, which I submitted Oct 28.

The strange thing is I recieved the email Nov 8th, 5 days after the hiring freeze was announced. Does this mean i wont be affected by the freeze? Or should I not expect this to go anywhere 
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koffeebrownTechnical Project Manager  
Why not just keep going until you hear otherwise? And then, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Until you actually start that job, it's fair game to keep looking. Don't even relax after you get the offer letter. You relax when you hit their "Day 1" and then stop looking.
jdblackiiiSoftware Engineer  
Haha yes I am still looking, it was just curiosity




