Drahkiir in  
Security Analyst  

Career change after layoff

I was laid off earlier this month as a Security Specialist (nearly 3 years experience) and decided to take some courses in data analytics to try and land an analyst role. I've been taking the Google Data Analytics Career Certificate from coursera and wanted to get opinions on how to get started, what kind of roles to apply for, etc.

I have a degree in applied chemistry but never worked in the area, and i live in Toronto, ON.
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PassionForDataInformation Architecture  
I think taking some data analysis coursework is a great idea, but I’m surprised you are shifting your focus. Info sec is extraordinarily hot these days.
DrahkiirSecurity Analyst  
Even though I have the experience, I don't have any of the certifications one would need for those roles, and a lot of the roles I saw were extremely technical where my experience is more in analysis.
I can't speak for all roles in security, but my role got very easy and repetitive very quickly and all the roles ai saw didn't seem to be this I'd enjoy doing long-ter. Data is something I've been super interested in for a while. My plan is to takes some courses that I enjoy, get a job in the area and then hopefully pursue either a BA or a masters in computer science.




