Mijhael Andrés Samaniego Muñoz in  
Full-Stack Software Engineer  

I'm a full stack developer from Paraguay and I want to earn more

I am a Full-Stack developer in Paraguay. I'm working in a Paraguayan company with a very low salary (4000 usd per year) with Angular/AngularJS in the front and Java EE in the backsince June 2022 and I'm pursuing an engineering degree in Computer Engineering at the National University of Paraguay since 2020. I would like to apply for international internships to relocate or get a remote job but I don't know how to start. Most of them ask for work permits and the ones that include Latin American countries do not include Paraguay. Please give me advice

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igotlazyFull-Stack Software Engineer  
There are many opportunities outside that many people do not aware of, checkout out these websites they help you get remote jobs or even help with relocation. - https://vanhack.com - https://honeypot.io - https://hashlist.com - https://gun.io/find-work/ - https://talent.io I'm in the same boat as you. wishing you good luck my friend.
andythemFull-Stack Software Engineer  
Thank you!



Software Engineer

