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I turned indie-hacker after a year of unemployment

Hi everyone, I got laid off unfairly by my manager in September of 2023 and since then I had been panick-applying (if there is any word like that) to different jobs, but unfortunately for me I couldn't get any

And then fast forward to 2 months ago when I decided to build a SaaS, and which I launched 2 weeks ago, and then I noticed I've been a fool all this while trying to get a job so badly I forgot I could build a SaaS that can make me monthly income that is more than what even FAANG can pay me, though I just started but I have been seeing the benefits of indie hacking

Like I work under my own conditions, no wicked manager trying to get me fired, I wake up to work on my product anytime I wish and work until anytime I like, I also don't have to be doing random interviews and take home projects

I see other indie hackers too online making far more than what folks working at FAANG make monthly

Though it's kind of challenging but it pays off than wasting time trying to apply to jobs, and also I think being in an African country and not having a BSc also contributed to my difficulties of getting a job, but now as an indie hacker I don't require BSc to ship products, and clients won't ask if I have BSc before paying for my products

I have just shipped a SaaS product, moving to the next, I don't want to insert the link to my SaaS because I don't want to look spammy, but if you want to check it out you could ask me in the comments, it's a platform that makes applying to jobs easier, you can create resumes and cover letters on the platform by just describing yourself and your professional experience, mock interviews and so on

I'm starting the next SaaS soon

I also want to add that you shouldn't be like me who wasted a year of my life trying to get a job, you can start now even while applying to jobs, build your SaaS, ship, make money, that's the same thing the folks that founded the company you want to work for did.

What do you guys think?
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TenuredGeekSoftware Engineer  
As much as I respect the hustle for anyone who does this, I think influencers, media, and whatnot constantly push this idea that entrepreneurship is the answer to all of our problems. Although being your own boss can be great, I think the fact that there's a LOT less risk involved in getting hired and working a normal job is overlooked. You don't have to start working without being paid for it, you don't have to possibly waste years on a venture that ends up failing, and you also don't have to make work your top priority if you get a good WLB job! I like the post and I respect your idea, especially in this job market. Kudos to you, but I wanted to share my thoughts on all this because sometimes it does get a bit frustrating to see entrepreneurship be so endlessly glorified
TneenSoftware Engineer  
*”supposedly” there’s a LOT less risk

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