Tridom in  
Machine Learning Engineer  

Promoted without a pay raise

As the title suggests, I earned a promotion this quarter, but was informed that due to the tight budget for this quarter, I wouldn’t be getting a pay raise along with the promotion. With the current rate of inflation, this is a pay *cut* for taking on more responsibility. 
My bigger concern is for how this will affect my compensation long term, since this is a big step in career progression, without the accompanying salary progression. So concerned with this point in particular, I actually asked if the promotion could be deferred to a more economically stable time, since I don’t imagine I’m going to get a promotion level pay increase to make me whole later. 
Probably worth noting that this promotion is two quarters late, due to other nebulous circumstances.

I’m mostly outraged and venting, but also definitely interested to hear if anyone else has opinions or experience with this kind of situation. Do I try to negotiate, or is it beyond help?
Now I know how Anikin felt after being put on the council, but not granted the rank of Master. 
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ChironMachine Learning Engineer  
Okay I cracked up at that last line... 😅

But seriously? No that sounds ridiculous. I would've expected a small pay rise if the economy is hitting them hard.

But none? That's kind of nuts.

But patience, Anakin, patience.

Don't throw away the title change. It's useful to put in the resume that you should be sending to every other company in about a day's time. Shows that you're good enough that your company thinks you ought to be an ML Eng not a Junior Eng, etc.

Don't be foolish and remain a grad "until the economy clears up". This sounds like the company was looking at a 5-7% raise on promotion anyway. I wouldn't stick around at a company like that anyway.

Take the promotion. Thank them. Apply for other jobs.
TridomMachine Learning Engineer  
Thank you! Sound advice.

May be even crazier to hear, but this isn’t a promotion from a junior dev position, it’s *to* a Senior ML position. I’ve personally led design and implementation on our level projects, with oversight from a tech lead of course. Worked extremely hard to prove myself for this title change, and it’s not gonna make any change my QoL.



Software Engineer

