mapiocangineer in  
Computer Science  

How to decide what offer to accept?

Hi! I got several software engineering internship offers and I'd like to get some counsel on how to decide which one to accept. (Keep on reading)

One offer comes from a big bank in NY. They offer the most money but there is so much uncertainty about what project I'll end up working on and how the matching process works. They had a Q&A session but I didn't think it was helpful. 

The second is from a trading investment company. They have been on top of things and have already met with me several times, even though I haven't accepted the offer. It seems to me that I will be able to take ownership of the project. I'm uncertain on the difficulty of the projects and worry it's going to be something 'too easy'. The salary they offer is not bad at all but not close to the NY Bank. They offer thr avg of options one and two. 

The third offer is from a respectable company to work as an AI/ML Innovation intern. I have no clue at all what I'll be doing and I worry that I'll be just an assistant as I was being offered something similar by another team. This is my first internship and I'm unsure how good it will do me to start doing AI/ML stuff. I have no experience at all with AI or ML. 

Given that context, what things should I be considering that I haven't yet? What has been you experience in choosing? 

Also, don't get me wrong. I feel beyond blessed for receiving multiple offers in such difficult times. 
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BNY Mellon
Software Engineer
New York
Total per year
Total stock grant
Years at company
0 Years
Years exp
0 Years
company icon
Johnson & Johnson
Software Engineer
New Jersey
Total per year
Total stock grant
Years at company
0 Years
Years exp
0 Years
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TheShicksinatorComputer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology 
Play the 3 of them off eachother to negotiate all offers up



Software Engineer

