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Microsoft or Amazon or Google or Meta or Apple (MAGMA) - Which one is your favorite and why?

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googsrSoftware Engineer  
Im ex-amazonian working at Google now. At Amazon, project delivery speed is of high priority and at Google high quality product is of high priority. Hence you feel very busy and occupied at Amazon because you can’t miss deadline for even a genuine reason. Due to same reason, promotions and learning curve is super fast. You won’t get the same feeling at Google, you can feel bit relaxed.
Amazon is individual focused(due to PIP culture everyone tries to prove they are better than others), where as Google is team-focused and you are treated very very good(like a human).
Conclusion: You have to dedicate more time to work at Amazon when compared to Google. Which company is better depends on the stage of your life and how much time are you willing to dedicate to work




