vTK7mpL4CpXfnpSFbc in  
Backend Software Engineer  

How much time is enough/expected to learn a new framework for a new project

I've recently had a project dropped in my lap in Java EE with Struts 2 and Hibernate. How long I have hasn't been clearly specified so I wanted to see what my peers might think.

I am primairly a C# .NET developer just as a bonus piece of info. I've 1 year of experience in total alongside 2 professional title diplomas (think trade school but for strictly programming and system design) at the level of a Bachelor's degree that I acquired after preparing a body of work based on a realized project that has to be presented in front of a jury. (I live in France)
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5dd4Yhgv3H6luBPjBNSoftware Engineer  
Not what you asked, but hopefully saves you some unhappiness: A lot of your efforts while learning existing code and its frameworks are invisible. A key CYA/personal risk mitigation will be transparency about what you're actually doing each week/every few days, ideally in emails, docs or other artifacts you can refer to at review time.
(This can be a helpful habit for other reasons, eg being able to search through what you learned when you need to refer back for any other reasons, too.)
vTK7mpL4CpXfnpSFbcBackend Software Engineer  
This is definitely helpful though, I appreciate the tip I’m gonna keep it in mind



Software Engineer

