Anglo42 in  
Software Engineer  

First time offer negotiation - how to find your market value?

Hello everyone!
I hope you're well wherever you are.
Tomorrow I have a call with a recruiter to discuss an offer (I've been told I've been successful, however I haven't received an exact offer yet, this call is to discuss next steps).
I'm a little nervous as I don't want to low ball myself or ask for too much (or just generally make a fool of myself as I haven't done this before and I'd really like to work with them).

Role details:
  • Role I'm applying for: Data Analyst (I have discussed responsibilities and the role is quite intense, has a mix of data scientist, data engineer, and data analyst responsibilities).
  • Seniority: Junior role
  • Sector: Finance
  • Company: Startup, US Based, I'm in the UK and will be working remote.
  • Funding: Company very recently raised 50+ million usd in funding.
Personal details:
  • YOE: 1
  • Motivation: Out of everywhere I've interviewed so far, this company is my favourite and I believe I'd really enjoy working with the people there and doing the work itself.
  • How will the offer change based on my location (US company, I'm UK based)?
  • What would be a fair offer in this situation (1 YOE, US based fintech startup with recent funding, living in UK, good interview performance)?
  • Any tips for negotiating or what to expect in this situation in general?
Note: I have checked their levels fyi page and they only have a few salaries listed, all for software engineers with ~6 YOE for ~$220K TC, all US based.

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thatstanfordkidMachine Learning Engineer  
1year exp, 15-20k less, I would be thrilled walking in with anything over 160k, give them a scenario where they see you leading at a young age and don’t be afraid to keep interviewing
anck13pSoftware Engineer  
In the UK, salaries are 20-30% less for each role and the OP only has 1 yoe. If you look at the data on levels for swe's, its like 80-120k



Financial Analyst

