JDownie in  
Computer Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology 

Github Commit Authoring

I have been working on my startup for a while now, although the repo is private. I recently made the commits show up on my profile. What I realized is I was authoring the commits to a user that doesn't exist for the past 2 years and now I don't get the clout associated with a full github activity.

Obviously a small issue and just vanity however I would love to be able to properly author the past commits. Is there any way to do that for all commits by a user over the course of 2 years?

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sphere2258Security Software Engineer  
If it's mostly just you in the repo, you can amend the repo history and change the author to an email address associated with your account. Checkout git-filter-repo with the mailmap option.
geckogmorrowComputer Engineering  
Not just me sadly, like 5 other devs.



Software Engineer

