19g615kyukhkag in  
Backend Software Engineer  

Which opportunities should I ask for?

Hey everyone!

Hope all is well.

I'm currently in my company's global graduate program, which is a sort of rotational program for young graduates.

It's a 3 year program, and I'm in my first year as a Backend developer position, in the company's "digital factory".

My current stack is the following: Node.js (JS/TS) + Python + AWS + Jest (JUnit/Cobertura) + CDK/CloudFormation + CodePipeline

I mostly work on Serverless backend, and designing/improving different pipelines and services.

I'm starting to think about my next rotation and which position to take next.

I'm into backend development, cloud engineering and data engineering.

What do you guys think I should look into?

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BreathingCodeBackend Software Engineer  
Each has their own merits. I'm a little biased but I think backend engineering has the most interesting roadmap. There's nothing like solving problems with code.
19g615kyukhkagBackend Software Engineer  
Thanks for your answer. I agree, I love designing applicative logic and services that play with data and other 3rd party services !



Software Engineer

