19g6xktuhutm8 in  
Business Development  

How to trade off between base salary and RSUs in an offer?

I am curious what do people think is a good trade off between base salary and RSUs in an offer? E.g., given a 4 year grant, trading $1 in base salary for $4 in stocks is a poor choice because the RSUs will expire after 4 years whereas the base salary will continue to stay. Also base salary is given every paycheck whereas stocks don't vest with every paycheck. Does anyone have a formula they have developed to trade in salary vs stocks that takes into account duration and vesting of RSUs?

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7nh139rfdhg4xjuSoftware Engineer  
this doesn't account for refreshers though
BabySharkSoftware Engineer  
never had the privilege of receiving a refresher. Is it given to employees after the initial equity promised in the offer letter?




