19g615l16wq7ss in  
Frontend Software Engineer  

Questions about part time web development

Hey everyone!
Just have a couple of questions about part time jobs as a developer. Can these help ease you into the career change ? Is it easier or harder to fet these types of jobs ? Anyone that has done it, is doing, or know someone who is please chime in.
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wijebka91Web Developer  
It’s kinda hard sometimes depending on how big of a tech company you’re trying to pivot INTO. Can’t go to a 10,000 person company with no full time exp. Competition is too high. You prob won’t even have enough text on your resume to get past the ATS. Might take two pivots- part time to full time dev at a small place (1-1000) then after 1-3 years doing that, go to a bigger company if you want
19g615l16wq7ssFrontend Software Engineer  
Any recommendations on small companies with good culture and pay ? Remote would be better but if onsite it would have to be central florida



Software Engineer

