SolidOrca in  
Software Engineer  

How do you deal with imposter syndrome?

Basically title.

I've been working as a SWE for ~3 years now in FAANG and I thought I'd be over it by now but it's still so difficult. I feel like everyone around me is smarter, harder working, or more passionate about their work and here I am basically faking my way until someone finds out.

For those who have or have had imposter syndrome, how do you deal with it? Is there anything you did that made you feel better?

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DoctororSoftware Engineer  
You passed the hiring committee and was not fired for your work. This is an objective indicator that you are not the impostor.
onewithfroSoftware Engineer  
This! I had the same thing for the first year and I kind of made the decision that:
- Hiring managers who are paid more than me thought I was good enough
- Nobody’s been on my back and micromanaging me, so they must trust me
- I haven’t been fired or told directly that my performance sucks

And that those mean that I at least belong there.




