milk0435 in  
Software Engineer  

Will trade leetcode tips for referrals

Hi everyone, I'm a recent engineering grad with 8 months of SWE internship experience. I'm haven't been having much luck with getting interviews and was wondering if anyone can help me get a foot in the door by referring me to their company. What I can offer in exchange are my tips for coding interviews. I went from no ds&a knowledge to solving mediums in 20 minutes and hards in 40 minutes within the span of 4 months and only doing 70 leetcode questions, so I think I've figured out the secrets to getting interview-ready extremely quickly. If you refer me, I can send you my 60 page notes package and am even willing to teach you over discord. If you're interested please shoot me an email at Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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cherrybombSoftware Engineer at Amazon 
Imagine thinking LC tips from a jobless new grad have any value
milk0435Software Engineer  
My blocker is getting interviews not passing them, I think my process has demonstrated I understand the leetcode side decently well, but you're free to your opinion



Software Engineer

