19g619kw4zpu57 in  
Business Administration & Management  

Dealing with libel during interviews

Long story short, a scammer published a series of libelous articles about me and wants me to pay him to take them down. He is in a foreign country and I don't think the criminal justice system can help. I have plenty of proof that the articles are fake.

Over the past few months I've been rejected after the final interview by Google, Amazon, and other top companies. I only learned about the articles recently. A few questions for people who have sat on hiring committees:

  1. Is it possible that the companies googled me after the interviews and decided not to hire me after finding the articles?
  2. Is this something I should bring up early in the interview process?
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19g615l1c8yag4Software Engineer  
Google (the search engine itself, not the hiring team) might be willing to take them off of the search results page for you, if you put in a request to them. They recently started a program for that specifically for PII but it might also apply to this.
19g619kw4zpu57Business Administration & Management  
I filed a report with them but it's a work in progress. I'm so anxious just knowing those pages are up, like people I know are going to find them and believe the stories...




