smartDev7621 in  
Computer Science  

Google recruitment and not ready

I’m starting a new job in February, once I finish grad school in December. I’m international, so I’ve got to be careful with sponsorship requirements. A Google recruiter emailed me with a questionnaire. Once I filled that up they mentioned that my self reported coding times might not be enough at this stage and whether I wanted to continue to schedule an interview right now.

I don’t want to do that now because I’m far from prepared. I want to tell the recruiter exactly this, and find a way to continue this conversation in a years time or so when I feel ready, rather than applying again and again and hoping for a reply. What should I do and how do I word it?

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8880888Machine Learning Engineer  
Be careful about rejecting yourself though. Try not to reject yourself. There’s a reason they’re talking to you now, and I think you’re a lil crazy for thinking it’s worth it to postpone this. You have no idea what will be happening in six months or a year. This recruiter could be gone or not care anymore. They care now There are so many risks to not running with it now even though you don’t think it’ll work out. Just try now and try later too. Be honest with them though too that’s a good point by others.
peeshaenHuman Resources  
I was going to say this! A year from now, that recruiter may be at another company and all the trust and hope you're banking on will be lost. You have nothing to lose other than your pride and ego so get rid of that doubt now so when another opportunity presents itself, you are 100% ready for it. Take this as practice!



Software Engineer

