Calculatron99 in
Business Analyst
Xerox lays off 15%
First layoff of 2024? Likely to affect around 3k employees:

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bcnecoProgram Manager
On one hand, yeah it sucks to still see layoffs in this new year but I think there are a few things to consider here on this one:
- Xerox was already not doing very well, just seemingly lagging behind FAANG/big tech a bit, so I'm not surprised to see layoffs so long after the big rush.
- It's possible they wanted to wait until the new year to conduct the layoffs in order to avoid laying off so many people right before the holidays.
- Non-tech companies seem to lag behind big-tech/FAANG in terms of trends and how they follow suit on things like this, so I'm not really going to be concerned for ongoing layoffs that affect most of this site's userbase until those larger tech companies start laying people off again. I think a lot of these smaller companies are just trailing behind the trends a bit.
HoptimumTechnical Program Manager
Yeah I think it was clear if you lack at late 2022 and the whole of last year. FAANG was the earliest to conduct the large scale layoffs, then all the smaller companies started following suit. I bet Xerox is just towards the tail end of that because I've been seeing FAANG hiring a lot more lately, so I'm hoping that also means companies will start trending upward there.
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