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PD roles in SF

What's the job market situation in SF? Applied and interviewed for jobs for the past two months and it's been super slow process and gotten rejections. I'm looking to grow my network and increase chances of getting hired. Are in-person events happening to network?

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CuriousProduct Designer  
Generally speaking, finding a job is not easy, and could take weeks and months. These days, I think we're starting to see some of the economic recession effects on the market. I'm a senior level designer who has been interviewing for close to 3 months, and still didn't get an offer. I have interviewed with companies from different sizes (public / FANG, and late stage startups). Sometimes I'd get a rejection that seems related to my performance in their interview process (I know, I'm not perfect haha). But in more than 1 company, I had the recruiters giving me vague responses. For example, after doing 3 stages of interviews, I'd get something like: "we like you, and want to move forward, but unfortunately we can't do that yet as we're in the process of re-evaluating the headcount for this quarter. We will try to get back to you asap". In other instances, the recruiters just completely disappear & never responds. One time, a recruiter from a well-known late stage startup found me on LinkedIn and reached out, pitching me the idea of joining their team. He sent me a really well designed deck describing what it's like to be part of their design team, and his message was selling me the idea of being a part of their team. I welcomed the opportunity and scheduled time to talk with him. One hour before our call he had to cancel due to "scheduling conflicts" and he said he would reach out to reschedule next week. Well, he didn't. I reached out 2 weeks later with no response. Finding a job is not easy, especially at challenging times like this, where self-doubt could could present itself every now and then. All I could say is that I feel for you, and you're not alone. Having said that, there are definitely a lot of companies still actively hiring (including some of the FANG). Just keep on pursuing every opportunity with full excitement & make them feel like you really care about joining them, and make sure that with every interview you take, you write down some of the learnings you had (what you did well, what you could do better) and look at these before your next interview. Good luck!



Product Designer

