19g618l1go2lfv in  
Computer Science  

Rejected ten thousand times!!!

I've been rejected by IT companies big and small for internship opportunities eventhough I'm an experienced software engineer 😭, but my friends who are struggling with mere coding got a job in maang,(by lying on resume) and soon kicked out of it for not performing well.

Should I lie on my resume too??
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CoffeeAndMatchaFull-Stack Software Engineer  
“And soon kicked out for not performing well.” There’s no short cut on these things. In the bright side, if you do the work you can definitely land a job.

I’d suggest keying in which part of the interview process is getting you filtered out.

If you never get past submitting the resume:
- focus on building projects on your github profile, keeping it green and showing your learning
- contribute open source for experience collaborating
- volunteer at tech events
- hackathons
- clean up your resume and a template cover letter. Then tailor the cover letter to match each company you apply to

If you’re bombing on screener:
do all of the above, and also work hard studying theory and completing code challenges.

If you’re bombing onsite: do all of the above and work on your communication skills, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and kindness. People can definitely be filtered out if they’re not someone a team would want to interact with daily.
oKeydoKeyComputer Science at University of Pennsylvania 
Thanks for the tips! +1 on hackathons. If you take them seriously, you can meet a lot of great mentors and get onsite interviews (pre-covid).



Software Engineer

