ZTrope90 in  
Product Designer  

What do you think happens with OpenAI?

With all the mess going on, it could go in any direction. What's your guess on what'll happen?

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YUHIYOLSoftware Engineer  
Might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the Board with OpenAI made the right call outing Altman. I understand there's no actual evidence of wrongdoing from him at this point, but there are some things that don't sit right with me. 1. The Board made it clear they didn't believe Altman could run the company in accordance with their mission: To make AGI benefit all humanity. 2. In response, Altman runs to Satya Nadella, who ends up offering him a job to create a new division within Microsoft. I get that you want to work, but he doesn't actually do anything to refute the claim that the Board believes he's moving too quick and not in the interest of the main mission of the company. My thought is: If you were outed because someone believed you weren't honest, wouldn't you want to fight back to show that you ARE honest? Instead, he just makes a bunch of plays to put the power back in his hand, including calling up all his buddies, making corny heart tweets on twitter, getting the company to mutiny against the board, etc. I get that people support him and I don't think he's necessarily a bad guy, but I do believe he wants to make OpenAI into a more profit-driven company than the original mission intended. I also think the Board went about this completely wrong, even if the intent was there. I think he ends up back with OpenAI, they become much more geared towards turning a profit, they change their mission, the current board gets outed in some way, and life moves on. But I think if that happens, it's showing exactly why the Board removed him in the first place.
madscienceSoftware Engineer  
I agree. The whole thing with Nadella and Microsoft seemed so slimy. He just offered Altman and his buddy a job, made a big 'ol show and announcement about how they're going to create a new team and advance the world and do all this and that... Only to find out on Monday that nothing is set in stone and Altman apparently is fighting to get back into OpenAI... It was 100% just Nadella pulling for his guy




