Verified Salary Stream
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- Technology
- Software Engineer
- Product Manager
- Data Scientist
- Software Engineering Manager
- Technical Program Manager
- Solution Architect
- Program Manager
- Project Manager
- Data Science Manager
- Technical Writer
- Design
- Product Designer
- Industrial Designer
- Fashion Designer
- Product Design Manager
- UX Researcher
- Graphic Designer
- Business
- Management Consultant
- Business Development
- Finance
- Investment Banker
- Accountant
- Financial Analyst
- Venture Capitalist
- Actuary
- Underwriter
- Engineering
- Biomedical Engineer
- Civil Engineer
- Hardware Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Geological Engineer
- Electrical Engineer
- Controls Engineer
- Chemical Engineer
- Aerospace Engineer
- Materials Engineer
- Optical Engineer
- MEP Engineer
- Human resources
- Human Resources
- Recruiter
- Total Rewards
- People Operations
- Strategy & operations
- Marketing
- Marketing Operations
- Business Analyst
- Customer Service
- Copywriter
- Data Analyst
- Corporate Development
- Business Operations
- Business Operations Manager
- Partner Manager
- Customer Service Operations
- Claims Adjuster
- Meteorologist
- Sales
- Sales
- Sales Engineer
- Customer Success
- Information technology (it)
- Cybersecurity Analyst
- Information Technologist (IT)
- Administration
- Administrative Assistant
- Chief of Staff
- Founder
- Legal
- Legal
- Regulatory Affairs
- Real estate
- Facilities Manager
- Property Manager
- Real Estate Agent
- Healthcare
- Physician
- Toxicologist
Accurate compensation data
We collect and review proof documents to ensure our data is accurate.
- Proof Documents Required (W2, Offer Letter, etc)
- Outlier & Forgery Detection
- Identity Verification
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How accurate are these salaries? requires a proof document (Offer Letter, Pay Statement, etc) before publishing Verified Salaries. Compensation numbers published are within close margin of the real number (modified slightly for further anonymity).
How do I submit a verified salary?
Upload your Offer Letter, Pay Statement, Annual Adjustment or Increase, etc here.
Is it anonymous?
Yes. Employee names are never released. Compensation numbers are modified slightly within a close margin to preserve anonymity. For small companies or companies with few submissions, the company name will not be revealed. In its place, rough company size (ex. 1-10, 11-50, 51-200, etc) and industry (ex. Automotive, Big Data, etc) will be provided.
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