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Investment Banker

New York City Area, US

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Investment Banker Salary in New York City Area, US


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The average Investment Banker salary range in New York, NY is from $135,000 to $245,000. View Investment Banker salaries across top companies broken down by base pay, stock, and bonus. Last updated: 12/4/2024

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  1. Citi Icon


  2. JPMorgan Chase Icon

    JPMorgan Chase

  3. Barclays Icon


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  1. What is the salary of a Investment Banker in New York City Area, US?

    The average total compensation of a Investment Banker in New York City Area, US is $175,000.

  2. What is the minimum salary of a Investment Banker in New York City Area, US?

    While there is no minimum salary for a Investment Banker in New York City Area, US, the average total compensation is $175,000.

  3. What company pays the most for a Investment Banker in New York City Area, US?

    The highest paying company for a Investment Banker in New York City Area, US is Citi with an average total compensation of $190,000.

  4. I have a different question

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