Estimated Total Value: $8,640
8 free counseling sessions for well-being (per year, per issue).
Rx Savings Solutions (RxSS) for prescription costs.
STD; LTD: for $0.24 per $100 of your covered monthly salary, LTD will replace 60% of your monthly income – tax free – up to a maximum benefit of $15,000 per month.
1.5X base salary up to $1 million of coverage
1.5X base salary up to $1 million of coverage
15 days
The Adoption/ Surrogacy Program: reimbursement up to a lifetime maximum of $30,000.
Lifetime maximum medical benefit per person toward eligible fertility expenses.
Unlimited with differential pay
$50 contribution each month from ADP towards their own student loan debt or their child’s student loan debt, for up to four years.
100% match on the first 6% of base salary
There is a $50 monthly tobacco surcharge for associates and covered spouses/ domestic partners who certify as Tobacco Users and are enrolled in the ADP Medical Plan.